Monday, March 16, 2009

Chris Dodd will have an opponent this year

Former Rep Rob Simmons said he will be running against Chris Dodd.

Former Republican Rep. Rob Simmons said Sunday that he plans to run against Democratic Sen. Christopher Dodd.

Simmons said he made the decision to join the race after talking with relatives.

"The family had a long meeting today and was unanimous that I run," he said in an e-mail message to The Associated Press. "So I am running."

Simmons is a former state representative and CIA agent who served three terms in Congress representing Connecticut's 2nd Congressional District. He also served as the state's business advocate, but state deficit problems recently eliminated that office from the budget.

In a hypothetical 2010 matchup, a recent Quinnipiac University poll showed Simmons with 43 percent of the vote and Dodd with 42 percent.

This is another candidate we should support and donate to. Chris Dodd is an embarassment to the US Senate and should be sent home by the voters.

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