Friday, February 27, 2009

Now Deval is "flexible" on the gas tax hike

How about instead of taxing us constituents and burdening the already bad economy, how about Deval lowers the gas tax to boost the economy. I guess that would make too much sense for a liberal Democrat like Deval.

Governor Deval Patrick allowed for some flexibility on his gas tax increase proposal yesterday as lawmakers began cautioning that 19 cents could be too high for their constituents.

Patrick told reporters he would be open to a smaller increase, but declined to specify a number, according to the Associated Press. When he unveiled the plan last week, he said he expected legislators to offer alternatives, but did not say how much he would be willing to yield.

He told reporters yesterday that a 4-cent increase would be enough to avert the set of toll hikes approved Tuesday but would not be enough to address all of the state's transportation problems. He also repeated his vow to veto any bill that does not make the state's transportation system more efficient.

What a good politician Deval is, start off at 29 cents. Get a backlash. Then go to 19 cents. Get another backlash. Now say we might just do a 4 cent increase. Maybe if we backlash again we can send him a message. NO NEW TAXES!

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