Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party

Got this email forwarded to me today. I'll remind everyone when it gets closer to the 15th.

You can visit their website here.

Please Join us at a peaceful rally on Wednesday, April 15th from 4 to 6 PM.
The time for "typing and griping" has ended. It is time for each of us to take two hours of our time and make this rally as large as we can.
All YOU have to do is make your sign (please no vulgarities) and show up at Park Square.
Let's send a message that the taxpayers in Berkshire County support the national effort to stop our Washington politicians -- NOW.
PS: this is the first time I will have demonstrated in my life! You can do it too. It doesn't matter which political party you support. If you pay taxes and want to stop the madness in Washington, you need to be there......
Please forward this to all your email contacts in Western Massachusetts and let's get a huge crowd to send a message to Boston & Washington on tax day 2009.

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