Friday, March 13, 2009

Another Governor rejects bail out moneys

I wish every Republican Governor, along with some Democratic ones, would reject the bail out. The Texas Governor followed the chorus and rejected the funds.

From the center of a Houston hardware store, Gov. Rick Perry ignited a debate about Texas job cuts, business taxes and President Barack Obama’s so-called economic stimulus program Thursday by rejecting the federal government’s offer of $555 million in aid to the unemployed.

The action now moves to the Legislature, which can bypass Perry and take the offer as long as it changes state laws and blocks Republican Perry’s potential veto. Democratic lawmakers said Thursday they will try.

Perry said the money would come with too many strings attached. Taking the half billion would require the state to assist qualified out-of-work residents seeking part-time jobs, an idea that Perry said the state has rejected before, partly because it could discourage them from seeking full-time employment.

That's the problem, once you accept the funds you are basically just a puppet for the Federal government. I hope to see more and more Governors reject the funds. In fact I think any governor who accepts them, especially the Republicans, should really not be supported for re-election. That's the only way to put any fear into any politician.

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