Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama has a change of heart on the troops

Probably from all out cry of the American Legion leaders and the criticism on the right Obama has decided to shelve his idea to not take care of the troops.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced on Wednesday afternoon that President Barack Obama is shelving a controversial proposal that would have forced the private health insurance of veterans to pay for their war- and service-related injuries.

“President Obama listened to the genuine concerns expressed by the veteran service organizations regarding the option of billing service-connected injuries to veterans’ insurance companies,” said Pelosi. “Based on the respect President Obama has for veterans and the principle concerns of our veteran leaders, the president made the decision that combat wounds should not be billed through their insurance policies.”

Pelosi made her comments at a meeting with veterans’ service organizations at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. After her announcement, the group gave her a standing ovation.

The proposal, which was discussed in recent hearings of the Veterans Affairs committees in the House and Senate and in the House Budget Committee, would have shifted more of the cost for service-related injuries from the government--through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)--to the private, third-party insurance plans held by many veterans
It isn't that he changed his mind. He would still go through with this if he could get away with it. He is just afraid of losing any more political capital that he has already lost. He has already took a huge hit from the AIG mess. And he would have taken an even bigger hit from this.

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