Friday, March 20, 2009

Romney keeping himself in the spot light

I'm sure Romney will be one of many vying for the Republican Presidential nomination for 2012.

Mitt Romney’s political action committee has raised $571,000 this year, according to a report filed this week with the Federal Election Commission.

The stated mission of the committee, Free and Strong America PAC, is to support “officeholders and candidates who are dedicated to promoting public policies that will strengthen America.”

But the group also helps keep Romney – a former Massachusetts governor believed to be positioning himself for a run at the 2012 Republican presidential nomination – in the spotlight, paying for his travel and to maintain a political staff.
I wasn't the biggest of Romney fans but he was the best out of the crop last year. Especially compared to McCain and Huckabee. But in 2012 I think the Republicans will have a far better crop to chose from starting with Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal and Mark Sanford.

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