Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm sure Geithner knows

The trick is getting the American people to know Geithner plan is radical. I think more and more people are starting to realize how radical the whole Obama administration is.

In testimony before the House Financial Services committee that just adjourned, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner just had to defend his institutional takeover plan against charges of radicalism.

"Do you realize how radical your proposal is?" Rep. Donald Manzullo (R-Ill.) asked.

"It's not radical. . ." Geither began, before Manzullo interrupted him.

"You're talking about seizing private businesses and you don't consider that radical?" Manzullo replied, his voice rising.

I guess it isn't radical if you want to live in a socialist/communist country. But most Americans don't want that. They were just tricked into thinking Obama was here for the working people. They can keep proposing idealistic proposals that don't and have never worked through out history. All this is going to do is making Obama a 1 term President.

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