Monday, March 2, 2009

Romney tops straw poll for 2012

As of now, the conservatives at CPAC have chosen Mitt Romney as the nominee they would most like to see in 2012.

ABC News' Teddy Davis reports: The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has chosen former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as the winner of the first Republican straw poll of the 2012 campaign.

With 20 percent of the vote, Romney finished ahead of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who received 14 percent, as well as Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who each had 13 percent.

"For the hat trick, Mitt Romney takes his third straight straw poll," said Tony Fabrizio, the Republican pollster who tabulates CPAC's annual straw poll results.

I personally want to see Palin or Jindal get the nod in 2012.

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