Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Deval Patrick is making everyone angry now

Hopefully the Republicans can capitalize on Deval's stupidity over the past few years since he was elected. Now parents are mad at him for proposing cuts to school districts. But yet he has the money to hire hacks to $175,000/year jobs.

“Patrick to Boston: Drop dead!”

That’s the message that will appear on a banner to be hoisted in the State House Thursday as hundreds of furious Boston parents rally to protest Gov. Deval Patrick’s move to cut the Hub out of $168 million in state stabilization funds to school districts.

“People are so angry. The Patrick administration, by these decisions, is crippling the Boston public schools system,” said Karina Meiri, a Tufts cell biology professor who is one of the founding organizers of BPS Parents, a volunteer advocacy group that is taking on the governor.

I'm sure if we actually went through the budget there would be plenty to cut. In reality Deval is just proposing cuts to the schools as a scare tactic. In his mind he thinks if he scares enough people we won't be mad at him for raising the gas tax, the tolls, and raising other ridiculous taxes that will only continue to stiffle our economy.

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