Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hello Socialism here we come.

Now Obama wants the right take control of any financial firm. This is the problem with our economy now. The government shouldn't be bailing out any company that is failing and they definitely shouldn't be taking control and running any such firm. That is called socialism when the government runs business.

The Obama administration is considering asking Congress to give the Treasury secretary unprecedented powers to initiate the seizure of non-bank financial companies, such as large insurers, investment firms and hedge funds, whose collapse would damage the broader economy, according to an administration document.

The government at present has the authority to seize only banks.

Giving the Treasury secretary authority over a broader range of companies would mark a significant shift from the existing model of financial regulation, which relies on independent agencies that are shielded from the political process. The Treasury secretary, a member of the president's Cabinet, would exercise the new powers in consultation with the White House, the Federal Reserve and other regulators, according to the document.

The administration plans to send legislation to Capitol Hill this week. Sources cautioned that the details, including the Treasury's role, are still in flux.

And the government just can't keep printing money to take over companies. Enough is enough. Our dollar is going to be so under valued soon and we are going to get hyper inflation.

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