Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Card check needs to be opposed

Allowing this bill to pass would be devastating to small business's around the country. There is a reason why elections have secret ballots, because otherwise people could intimidate you into voting a certain way. The fear of people shunned for voting a certain way or worse set physically assaulted is not the way things should be done. But the Democratic leadership wants union vote to me made public. But even now, some Democrats are wavering on this bill.

The Bill Would Allow Workers To Bypass Secret Ballots To Form Unions. "The most contentious provision in the bill, known as 'card-check,' would allow workers to bypass secret ballot elections to form unions if a majority of them sign petition cards stating their intention to organize." (Kevin Bogardus, "Democrats Introduce Card Check, Vow To Move It," The Hill, 3/10/09)

Rank And File Senate Democrats Are Already Wavering On Card Check:

Some Key Democrats In The Senate Are Wavering On Card Check. "Key Senate Democrats are wavering in their support of legislation that would give more power to labor unions, dealing a setback to labor's top priority as businesses warn of the damage the bill would cause." (Melanie Trottman and Brody Mullins, "Labor Bill Faces Threat In Senate," The Wall Street Journal, 3/10/09)

Six Senators Who Have Previously Supported Card Check Are Now Either Opposed Or Unsure. "At least six Senators who have voted to move forward with the so-called card-check proposal ... now say they are opposed or not sure -- an indication that Senate Democratic leaders are short of the 60 votes they need for approval." (Melanie Trottman and Brody Mullins, "Labor Bill Faces Threat In Senate," The Wall Street Journal, 3/10/09)

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