Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I hate polls...

Especially generic ones like this this...

Support for the Democratic Congressional candidates fell to a new low over the past week, allowing the GOP to move slightly head for the first time in recent years in the Generic Congressional Ballot.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 41% said they would vote for their district’s Republican candidate while 39% would choose the Democrat.

Investors now favor Republicans by a 46% to 36% margin, while non-investors would vote Democratic by a 45% to 33% margin.

Democrats began the year holding a six or seven point lead over the GOP for the first several weeks of 2009. Over the past month, the gap has been smaller, with Democrats holding a two-to-four point lead. It remains to be seen whether the current results reflect lasting change or statistical noise.

But hopefully we are headed in the right direction. And if this is true it is sad Republicans are so stupid. It is a proven fact that conservatism wins elections. Every time Republicans run liberal or moderate candidates like McCain they lose or start acting more like Democrats in the House and Senate they lose. If the Republicans could actual legislate as they campaign, as conservatives, we might wouldn't constantly have to reshape our party.

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