Monday, March 30, 2009

Israel attacks Iranian convoy

Some how I doubt Obama would have done the same. At least Israel can do what's needed when it's needed.

Israel used unmanned drones to attack clandestine Iranian convoys in Sudan that were attempting to smuggle rockets into Gaza, Britain's Sunday Times newspaper reported.

The paper said that western diplomats confirmed that Israel attacked the Iranian truck convoys in late January and the first week of February in the remote Sudan desert, just outside the Red Sea town of Port Sudan.

The convoys had been tracked by agents from Mossad, Israel's overseas intelligence agency, the report added.

I think it is a must that we support and aid Irsael as much as we can. They are the only Democracy over there and our 1st defense if another World War ever breaks out in that area. It pains me when I see a lot on the left blaming Israel for the problems over in that area. They aren't the ones stuck in the stone age stoning gays and woman just for being such.

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