Friday, March 27, 2009

Government run health care...

Please save us now. Nancy Pelosi is proposing Health Care legislation in the House that would have a government run option.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the House this year will consider health-care legislation including an option for a government-run program that would compete with insurers.

“This is a big agenda, and I believe it should have a public option in it for it to be really substantial,” Pelosi told reporters at her weekly news conference in the U.S. Capitol.

President Barack Obama has said he wants Congress to produce legislation that would expand health-care coverage for the country’s 46 million uninsured and reduce medical costs. Republicans and some insurers have opposed the creation of a new program modeled on Medicare as part of the effort. The top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa, last week called the idea a “deal-breaker.”

I've asked this question to every person who thinks we should have a government run health care system. Name me one government run program that is run efficiently and properly? I can't think of one, can you? So why the Hell would we want the government running anything else.

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